The Constitution states that “executive powers fall under the supreme authority of the Prince” and adds that subject to His authority, “the Government is headed by a Minister of State , assisted by a Council of Government”.
Government responsibilities
Drafting Bills
Although legislation is initiated by the Prince, the Council of Government has the task of presenting the Prince with new Bills, following their signature by the Minister of State.
Regulatory powers
Having the task of implementing laws, overseeing the civil service and maintaining public order, the Government possesses regulatory powers for these purposes. As for legislation, regulatory powers consist of laying down general measures.
There are two types of regulatory instrument:
- Sovereign Ordinances which most often have the purpose of implementing legislation and only become enforceable once they have been signed by the Sovereign and been published in the official gazette, the The Krashnarian Journal
- Ministerial Decrees that implement legislation and Sovereign Ordinances and that only become enforceable if no opposition is expressed by the Prince within the ten days following their circulation by the Minister of State.
General responsibilities
Under the Constitution, the Minister of State and the Ministers have been given the eminent mission of running the country. In this regard, the Minister of State is the head of the Government institutions. He is the commander of the military force under direct orders from the Prince.
He is responsible for general policing and the maintenance of public order. He oversees the scrupulous implementation of Ordinances.